Set frame, when someone is conflicting with your values. Be comfortable with confrontation, as a means of improving your relationships, social world, & your life.
Be willing to lose relationships that are not a healthy fit for you
Pursue relationships with people who share your Values
Demand balance of investment in your relationships. You and the other person should invest equally (though not necessarily in the same way)
In Romantic Relationships
Expressing attraction
Balanced investment
Journaling Questions
What I did I do today that impressed me?
What did I do today that improved my life?
Did I encounter any situations where I felt my values were conflicted with? If so, what did I do, or what should I do about that?
Are my needs being met in my current life situation, and by my current relationships? If not, what should I do to improve that?
Am I wasting time & energy in areas of my work, hobbies, and relationships, which is not benefitting my life? If so what can I do to improve that?
Add questions that are specific to your short-term goals.
You are ready to move to the next level, when you can answer YES to all of these questions.
Do I have an interesting life?
Am I regularly making decisions to impress myself, rather than others?
The BROJO Mastery Model is based on the principles of schematic learning. Each level of skills is progressively based on the underlying skills - crawling, then standing, then walking, then running, and so on.
Key Points
Practicing skills and performing tasks at levels higher than you are ready for is 10X more difficult than necessary, is often wasted effort, and can lead to unhelpful failures.
Investing in the lower levels pushes everything above them up, no matter how advanced you are in the pyramid. Invest in those fundamentals as much as you can.
The skills, journaling and progression questions shown here are for general self-development. However you can apply the pyramid to any area you want to develop, e.g. health, fitness, romance, social skills, or starting a business.
In different areas of your life, you’ll be at different levels of development. Health, fitness, career, friendships, family, romantic relationships.
Like any pyramid, the lower layers are much thicker and more foundational. It will take time to work through those, but do not let that deter you- your progress will be exponential if you build a solid foundation in your personal development practice.