BROJO publications

Life is unfair… and it’s ok

A few years ago I was waiting for a flight and it got delayed. We were stuck in the little waiting area, and I noticed a whole bunch of people around me complaining.

I thought it was odd. What's complaining going to do? I asked. How can you make a plane ready to fly by whingeing about it?

Then I realized that they all had something in common. This was an epiphany for me.

They all had the limiting belief that life should be fair. They were upset because they believed things should go the way they want them to.

These are all fully grown adults.

I thought, How long do you have to live before you realize that belief is bullshit? How many experiences like this do you need to have before you realize life is random and it doesn't care about you and things are never going to be fair?

When I let go of that belief about 10 years ago, my life improved immensely.

Wanting life to be fair is your possibly your greatest source of suffering.

When you finally accept that it isn’t, that the house always wins and the game is rigged, you can at least learn how to roll with the setbacks rather than rage against them.

Original Question:

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