BROJO publications

How a psychopath views criticism

I recently finished an interview with a psychopath - Jackson “Jack the Ripper” Noble - which I'll be publishing soon.

He's a transparent and honest psychopath - not for moral reasons, but because it works well for him! It was a fascinating discussion that I can’t wait to share with the world.

Two topics that we explored in particular were self-doubt and caring what other people think - traits that he does not have at all!

We tried to unpack how he sees the world to understand what it would be like to have no self-doubt and to not be emotionally affected by the opinions of others.

One thing he pointed out which I thought was particularly interesting - because it's a development that I've made myself - is whenever he gets unsolicited negative feedback from other people, the first thing he assesses is how valid that person is.

As he says, “No one above you will ever criticize you”.

So whenever somebody gives him negative feedback, the first thing he notices is how poorly that person must be doing to be that cruel. He recognises criticism as a projection of their own struggles and insecurities, and therefore no reflection on him personally. So he immediately dismisses the feedback.

Wouldn’t that be a nice trait to have?

Original Question:

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