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Group Dynamics: Introvert vs Extrovert

If you're the introverted type, you probably struggle in group situations. You might find that you kind of retreat into the background.

Introverts generally struggle either because they need time to think through what they’re going to say, or they’re shy and worried about being judged.

So as an extrovert, I want to give you some tips for managing group dynamics.

First and foremost, treat every conversation like it's 1 to 1. So rather than putting this pressure on yourself to address the whole group and entertain them like an extrovert might, just respond to the individual you want to talk to.

Secondly, a group situation is like trying to grab seats on the bus. Whoever is the quickest and the strongest will get the last seat. Now is not the time to be timid. You cannot allow yourself to be bullied and dominated (even though they won't be necessarily trying to do that). Speak loudly and proudly.

Thirdly, whenever somebody interrupts you, do not stop talking! Keep going as if they hadn't interrupted (and don’t decrease volume). Maintain eye contact with the person you're talking to and finish whatever it is you were going to say, even if you have to battle to the death for it.

There is a confrontational element to group dynamics, so don’t sit around waiting for it to be comfortable, or to be invited to speak. Throw your 2 cents in there proudly!

If they continue to ignore or talk over you, you’re in the wrong group.

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