BROJO publications

Why You Need To Stop Trying To Impress People

What's the cure to being a Nice Guy with an Avoidant attachment style?

Well, there are a number of different approaches you can take, depending on how this manifests for you. One thing to do is to step back from the spotlight if you're the entertainer type.

If you're the kind of a person who always tries to steal the glory, be the funniest one and put on a show—if you know that when you show up, it's show time—start quietening down a little bit. Let somebody else be the one who tells the jokes. Let somebody else be the one who impresses everybody. Let somebody else win.

Just try to get comfortable with not impressing people. Get comfortable at not making people like you and be at peace when people keep you at the distance. Start being one of the crowd rather than the one on the stage.

You know, for me, this meant to stop trying to be funny all the time. There are other things I was doing—I was also very impressive at work, and I'd play in a band, etc. But for me, the big one was to just stop telling jokes all the fucking time, like I'm Chandler from Friends.

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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