BROJO publications

Understanding Yourself: The Path to Compassion and Love

It’s very hard to hate something you fully understand.

If you really want to love yourself, it helps to fully understand yourself.

So, fully understanding yourself leads to compassion, and compassion leads to love.

You understand something when you no longer have any resentment or blame toward it; when you have nothing but empathy.

You’ll never hate someone you have full empathy for.

I think the most helpful thing I’ve ever learned in my own life is understanding that my behaviour is the manifestation of my inner world. My beliefs, and everything that controls them, as well as everything that happens in my subconscious, will show itself in my behaviour.

My thoughts and feelings may lie to me—especially my thoughts.

The narratives I tell myself about who I am in my head are often quite contradictory to who I actually am, based on my behaviour.

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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