Did you ever watch kids and how they’re self-motivated without pressure?
I mean, you’ve got to observe them when they are very young, because most parents start putting pressure on them early, but if you catch them young enough, you’ll see that the kid stays busy all day long with lots of fun things to do—never getting bored, never stressing out, never lying around doing nothing—and yet, no pressure.
Why do we need pressure?
If kids don’t need it, why do adults?
Do you think you lost that?
Do you think the motivation—the natural exuberance of being a kid—just wore off, and now you have to pressure yourself to do things?
Well, which came first, losing that vibe or the pressure?
I’d suggest the pressure came first.
Do you remember when the pressure first started?
Maybe your parents put pressure on you. Were you dragged to all these after-school activities? Were you forced to take piano lessons? Were you constantly told to clean up and do this and that? Did you feel like you were forced to do stuff?
Is it possible that’s why you lost your motivation?
To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:
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