BROJO publications

The Secret Hope of The People Pleaser

A smooth, problem-free life is essentially one where all the emotions and outcomes align with your preferences.

This belief implies that everything will go the way it's supposed to, as long as you act right.

People-pleasing, from our earliest childhood days, was designed to create a smooth, problem-free life—and occasionally, it seems to work.

So, we figure that if we just get it right, if we’re the perfect people-pleasers, then the smooth, problem-free life will happen all the time, not just in patches followed by periods of misery.

The idea that you're going to have a smooth, problem-free life is ridiculous.

You will be in constant conflict with your environment and with yourself. Winning that conflict is what life is all about.

Now, sometimes the battle goes easy, and you win with no scratches.

However, make no mistake: you will always be in a battle, and people-pleasing is a battle you will eventually lose.


To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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