BROJO publications

The Power of Asking for Help: Transform Your Life

If you're struggling: get support, ask for help.

One of the hardest things in the world for me to do—is to ask for help.

I’ve recently added two new members to my team—one to help me with creative administrative tasks and the other to help me with sales. It took me months to work myself up to actually ask them.

Then, afterwards, I thought “Why didn't I do this earlier? This makes my life so much better and it makes their life better too!”

Every time I've hired a coach, seen a therapist or asked my wife for advice, I always find it insightful. I don’t always agree with their perspectives, but I learned that it is helpful to include other people. If nothing else, just to validate my own ideas and come back to the basics.

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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