BROJO publications

The Hidden Dangers of People Pleasing: Why Being Nice Can Hurt

“Other people benefit from my people-pleasing.”—this is a pretty common belief—the idea that what we’re doing is good for others.

We think that if someone gives us approval, if someone is happy, or if we get other positive responses from what we’ve done, it must mean we’ve done something good.

That feeling you generate in others when you're being nice, chemically speaking, is actually very similar to the high of a drug.

Now, it could be that this is also a sign that something's going well for them and their long-term future. But, what if this short-term “high” you're giving them is actually leading to a long-term harm in the future?

Have you ever had someone help you without your permission?

Have you ever had someone force their advice onto you?

How does that feel?

How do you feel when someone pushes their niceness into your life?

Do you enjoy it?

Does it make you a better person in the long run?

Or do you feel suffocated by it?

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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