BROJO publications

The Dangers of Unwanted Kindness

Have you ever had somebody help you without your permission?

Have you ever had somebody force their advice onto you?

How does it feel when that happens?

How do you feel when somebody pushes their niceness into your life?

Do you enjoy it?

Does it make you a better person in the long run?

Or do you feel suffocated by it?

Do you feel like you need to defend yourself from it?

Do you feel judged?

Do you feel like the other person sees you as too weak to handle your own life?

One of the ironies of nice guys and people-pleasers is that the things we do to others are often things we hate being done to us.

Pushing our niceness onto people, trying to make their life better, is a classic example of that.

When other people try to make our life better, we usually feel like they're pressuring us. We feel like they're intervening in our life without our permission.

We’d rather they just stayed away.

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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