BROJO publications

Shy Women: How to Approach Men Without Feeling Awkward

New full length video out today!

Are you a shy woman who struggles to talk to attractive men? You're not alone. Many women feel awkward and unsure of how to approach guys, especially in a world where men are expected to do all the initiating. But times have changed, and waiting for the right guy to magically notice you isn’t a reliable strategy.

In this video, I break down why men actually appreciate being approached (hint: it almost never happens to them), how to shift your mindset from seeking validation to giving confidence, and a step-by-step guide to building your social confidence—starting with small, manageable interactions. You don’t have to go from zero to flirting overnight. Instead, I’ll show you how to gradually increase your comfort level so that one day, hitting on a guy feels as easy as ordering coffee.

Confidence isn’t about eliminating nerves—it’s about acting despite them. If you’re tired of sitting on the sidelines of your own dating life, this video is for you.

💬 Now I want to hear from you! What’s the hardest part about talking to someone you’re attracted to? Drop a comment below and let’s discuss! 👇

Watch the video here:

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