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Reduce Self-Doubt: Make Mistakes BEFORE Asking for Advice

I wouldn't actually be serving you if I always told you what to do.

In fact, the only thing I’d tell you to do is to decide for yourself.

You already know what you really want from life. I want you to figure out what you should do on your own.

Childhood development goals are about doing things without permission from others—it’s about taking emotional risks.

I think the best thing you could do is come up with the answer to your question yourself.

Even if you're not sure, even if you're filled with self-doubt and don’t trust yourself—do it anyway. Get it wrong, fuck it up, make a huge mess.

That’s part of your development. Go make a mess and clean it up yourself. That’s growth.

I could give you formulas for what I believe is an objectively good life, but we’d never know if it’s actually right for you because you didn’t decide it. You didn’t come up with it on your own.

My bluntest, most honest advice is: You decide. Come up with one action that you think will move you out of being stuck. All by yourself. And do it, no matter how stupid you think it is, no matter how much you doubt yourself and your abilities, no matter how worried you are that it might be the wrong move—just do it anyway.

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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