BROJO publications

Outgrowing Toxic Relationships: The Brutal Truth

I don't consider my previous friends to be particularly malevolent.

It just wasn't healthy for me to be around them. They weren't bad people.

They had good hearts. They were generous with the people they actually felt connected to—people you'd feel safe leaving your kids with.

A lot of the clients I work with face much worse than that.

They have people in their lives who actively bring them down—people who are malevolent, who have hostile intent toward them. These individuals range from those who are simply controlling to those who actually want to harm, isolate, and destroy the person.

There's a book called Confessions of a Sociopath, which is a really interesting read by a  woman who’s done interviews—you can watch them—and she’s very upfront and shameless about being what she calls a sociopath, or someone with antisocial personality disorder.

She talks about how she enjoys ruining people—that’s how she puts it.

She says it’s delicious. Her mouth actually salivates at the thought of ruining people. And for her, ruining people just means getting inside their heads and completely changing the course of their lives.

There are a lot of nice guys out there who have people with this kind of intent in their lives.

It could be your parents.

It could be the best friend you’ve had since you were a kid.

It could even be a long-term partner.

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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