BROJO publications

"My husband stopped initiating after rejection"

New full length video out today:

I was looking at my website stats and noticed that this search term kept bringing people to my website (frustrated wives and girlfriends I’m assuming):

“husband stopped initiating after rejection”

This leads them to a popular post I wrote many years ago entitled “Why your boyfriend doesn’t initiate sex”.

While I still believe this article covers the issue of Nice Guys becoming passive and seemingly disinterested around sex in long term relationships, I only briefly touched on the specific issue of men reacting badly after being rejected for sex. So I figured I’d dive deeper into that point today.

I’m sure this problem plays out slightly differently for every relationship, but the gist is something like this:

At the beginning of the relationship, sex was probably at least OK if not good. It was frequent, it was more daring, both of you initiated or it often felt spontaneous. Your man was horny and keen for it whenever you were.

This lasted maybe 3 months or so (or longer until a serious change in your lives occurred).

Then, as the relationship became “serious”, things in the bedroom started to shift subtly. Maybe one of you got sick for a while, or something else interfered. Perhaps even this problem started much later, like after your first child or in reaction to one of you suffering severe depression.

Whatever the trigger, you (the wife/girlfriend) started to notice that sex didn’t really happen unless you initiated. You started to get anxious about rejecting sexual advances from your partner for fear that he would never try again. 

It seemed like he was getting scared, anxious, avoidant, and overly serious about sex. Or it might have seemed like he was genuinely uninterested.

Now, there’s lots of reasons and different dynamics for why this sexual disconnect can happen, but today I’m really speaking specifically to those of you who feel that it was a rejection that caused the rift.

Watch the video here:

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