BROJO publications

If you want to be a great person in the future, do what that person would do in your situation right now

Integrity is a state of being whole, consistent, congruent, and honest. It means you're the same person in all situations, give or take some context.

Your actions almost always align with your core values. What comes out of your mouth is as truthful as you can manage, consistently. When everything you do aligns with your core values and everything you say is honest, you develop a strong sense of self.

You become a consistent person who shows up all the time.

Most people tend to adjust who they are to fit the situation—it’s called the chameleon effect. They play the role best suited to the context, but that just means they’re acting, and they don’t really know who they are.

When you constantly adapt to each situation for comfort, instant gratification, or neediness in pursuit of preferred outcomes, you’re not building confidence—you’re actually increasing your insecurity.

People sacrifice who they are to avoid pain, loss, and rejection, and in doing so, they lose themselves.

So, as often as possible, carefully reflect on who you are and what you're doing.

Ask yourself: Do I have integrity?

Am I being consistent?

Does what I do align with what I preach?

Am I living in a way that I would admire if someone else were doing it?

Do I respect the way I behave?

Start thinking long-term. If I want to look back on myself in ten years and be proud of what I see, how do I need to consistently behave?

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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