BROJO publications

How YOU Can Survive Cancel Culture and Protect Your Career from Online Bullying

Cancel culture is the latest trend in online bullying, and now everyday normal people are having their careers destroyed by trolls. Let's talk about how to protect your career and avoid being cancelled by mistakes in your past. For more personal support, contact Dan directly with your questions [email protected], or complete an application for a FREE coaching session: If you enjoyed this video, get access to more of BROJO’s content and dozens of confidence-building online courses by joining today. It’s FREE! Learn more here: Louis CK's latest special "Sincerely" The 3X Confidence and Authenticity Masterclass Program [Udemy course] A complete in-depth guide on how to build your confidence by being authentic and living with integrity, following Dan Munro’s secret 3X Confidence formula. Overcome Your Fear of Rejection… Permanently [Udemy course] Say goodbye to fear of rejection, approach anxiety, and missing out on opportunities. This quick but thorough course will destroy your limiting beliefs around rejection. The Legendary Life: Build the Motivation and Confidence to Create an Authentic Lifestyle [book] Dan’s first book covers a complete blueprint for designing your life in a way that matches your core values, showing you how to overcome fear, set and achieve powerful goals, and build your confidence without needing other people to like you. Nothing to Lose: Using Curiosity to Destroy Hesitation, Procrastination and Limiting Beliefs [book] A philosophical examination of the confident mindset, from a scientific and practical viewpoint. This book will help you decode confidence into a set of beliefs and behaviours that you can control. Dan’s blog: The BROJO Online podcast: ------------------------ If you want to learn how to survive cancel culture, or even cancel cancel culture in the long term, you need to learn how to be honest. So honest, in fact, that no one can ever manipulate you, or bully you online, ever again. You need to learn how to protect your career, whether you're a manager, a web developer, a social media influencer, or even just a humble tradesman! No one is completely safe from internet trolls who are bored and get off on hurting innocent people.

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