BROJO publications

How relationships work for the best possible connection

New full length video:

In this video we'll break down what a "good" relationship looks like, and what you'd need to do to create one.

Some of the topics we look at:

  • Are relationships worth it?
  • Harvard happiness study implications for relationships.
  • Good relationship principles.
  • Are relationships supposed to be hard? If there’s no conflict, you got a problem.
  • Weeding the garden, there should be effort but not strenuous.
  • Love is not enough, relationship management is about boundaries, not feelings/experiences.
  • Relationships and communication - why transparency from day 1 is the safest bet. Generous assumptions of intent when listening/observing. Stay until the conversation is done.
  • Make a mess then clean it up together. Learn to fight well.
  • Relationships and social media - high correlation between SM bragging and relationship issues. If you feel the need to prove it, something’s wrong.
  • How relationships change over time. How staying honest and involved in each others lives prevents drift (or early identify incompatibility).
  • Which relationships last the longest.
  • Divorce problems: Not invested in the relationship. Betrayal. Finances.Diff religion. Abuse.
  • Using the 3X model - curiosity, honesty, respect.

Check out the video here:

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