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How Confident People Respond To Compliments

When confident people get feedback they just say, “thanks. That's it. They don't fight against it. They don't go on about it. They're neither arrogant nor ashamed. They're just like “thanks”, and then they move on with their life. They're actually pretty similar with negative feedback, too. They say: “Thanks for letting me know”, and they move on.

So, if this isn't you— if that isn't how you naturally respond to compliments—then odds are this is a confidence issue, okay? That's how you need to start seeing it.

This isn't about the other people. This isn’t about their legitimacy, validity of their judgment, or their ability to judge you.

This is about you. This is about your self-worth. Once you're confident, you will only respond to compliments with “thanks”: a genuine expression of gratitude, but with no real attachment to the content of the compliment.

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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