BROJO publications

Ghosting And The Problem Of Waiting

I was recently sent a question that is similar to questions that I get quite often. This one says: "Why would a guy stop texting all of a sudden?"

My answer is a simple one, you're asking the wrong question. The real question is, why are you still thinking about someone who stopped texting you?

This same question shows up in so many different ways in the relationship and dating sphere, since people are trying to figure out why somebody is being hot and cold towards them.

Why did somebody break up with them? Why somebody cheated on them? Why somebody doesn't text back?

Most people ask these questions instead of asking the real question which is why do I tolerate this? Why do I pursue people who do this? Why do I give my bandwidth, my emotions, my thoughts, my energy to someone who's not enthusiastically reciprocating the love that I'm giving them?

If you ask these questions, you'll realize that the problem has to do with you, not with them. This is a good news! It means that you have the power to change both the questions that you are asking yourself and people that you are choosing.

Why do you choose a specific kind of people and why are you pursuing them when they're clearly not right kind of people for you?


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