BROJO publications

Emotional Intelligence: How an Autistic Guy Learned to Connect, with Paul Micallef

Paul Micallef always knew that socialising and fitting in was difficult for him, moreso than the other kids. But it wasn't until he was 30 years old before he realised that he had Aspergers, and that his social difficulties came from not intuitively grasping the social rules all the other kids seemed to be aware of.

But since this discovery, Paul has transformed himself into a guy who's authentic, grounded, and easy to connect with. His exploration into Emotional Intelligence has led him to become a Relationship Coaching and Teacher of EQ. He has some very important lessons for all of us on how to connect with others.

EQ 101: Emotional Intelligence Explained course:…explained

Paul's website:

Paul's Aspergers from The Inside YouTube channel:

Original Question:

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