BROJO publications

Celebrating 10 Years of Brojo!

Today I just want to say a big thank you to all of you who have supported Brojo - the community arm of my business - which had its 10 year anniversary some point this week. (I'm so bad with dates.)

It started off as me and Mike Wells meeting up with a few dudes we knew in a bar to drink beers and eat hamburgers and talk about how to talk to girls and how to build confidence and stuff like that.

That was 10 years ago.

We've had hundreds of sessions with our guys since then. We've taken it all over the world. We've turned it into an online university.

It's kind of amazing that it's still going.

We originally invented it because we couldn't find anything like it. We couldn't find men's groups that were focused on confidence and integrity, and were all about the practical. Everything else was heavily spiritual or conceptual or therapeutic.

So we invented it, and you guys came along and supported it.

Hopefully we'll keep it going for another 10.

Cheers! 🍔🍺

P.S. to celebrate the win, as always there’s a giveaway! Reply to this post with the name of your favourite online Brojo course, and I’ll give you free access to it!

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