BROJO publications

Breaking Free: Evaluating Toxic Relationships for Change

I learned a lot about friendships.

Friends that I have now, none of them got in my way. Most of them were supportive.

They might have teased me for wanting to be a coach—but they were on board with it. They supported me.

Then, there were others who were actively and directly discouraging me, and yet others who were passively or indirectly discouraging me—like the ones who tried to encourage me to drink.

They weren’t saying I shouldn’t make my changes, but they were encouraging behaviours that would slow me down, trying to keep me the same. They didn’t do this out of malevolence, just out of their own comfort and self-interest.

A lot of my conversations with clients (especially if we’re into the third month of our working togehter and big changes are happening) usually lead to a pretty of hard conversation about their inner circle.

A lot of my clients no longer speak to one of their siblings or they break up with a partner they’ve been with for ten years (even though their relationshio has been terrible for nine and a half out of those ten years).

They finally realize that the person they were when they first met the people in their life is not the same person they are now—and the person they’ve become would never choose to be with them today.

This is a key question you can ask yourself:

“If I just suddenly dropped into this life with no obligations, if I just met this person now, would I keep seeing them? Is it just a sense of obligation, duty, and time served that keeps this person in my life?”

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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