Reinvention: How to Completely Change Your Life
There's something I call "identity death" - it's when you realise who you are doesn't work for you, and you need a complete psychological make-over.
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How to Build Healthy Relationships
In this episode, we explore what makes a good relationship.
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The truth about the "comfort zone"
The term "comfort zone" is thrown about often in the self-development world, yet what does it really mean? Most people seem to be stuck in a rut yet find it to be an uncomfortable place to be. So why do we call it this?
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How to manage your stress
In this episode I share my journey with stress - the most challenging emotion I've ever dealt with - and what I learned from decades of battling with chronic and inexplicably high stress levels.
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The Blueprint for Masculinity, with Joe Ducard
Joe Ducard is a popular dating coach, but he's much more than that. He's also a guy who used to be massively overweight and socially anxious. Like me, he's had to figure out what it means to be a man the long hard way.
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Frame Control - How to Manage Your Reality for Confidence
How you DECIDE to see the world will completely determine your quality of life.
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Minimalism - how to build confidence with less stuff
Is getting heaps of stuff really the answer, or is it just a conspiracy of consumerism to fund big corporations?
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Practical Daily Tips to Overcome Social Anxiety
How to experiment each day to build your social confidence.
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A Stoic approach to managing anger
Donald Robertson talks about how to practically apply Stoicism in real-life, particularly when it comes to anger management and other painful emotions.
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Finding Meaning without Science, Religion or Materialism
How to enjoy life without money, approval or even understanding
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People Pleaser: The uncomfortable truth about being a nice person
There's a good chance your "nice guy" act is a lie to conceal fear of rejection, confrontation and abandonment.
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Radical Honesty as The Path to Bulletproof Confidence (HEx Podcast #18)
Dan Munro talks to Jon Brooks from the HighExistence Podcast about how honesty changed his life and grew his confidence.
Trust And Betrayal - The Secret to Good Relationships
Let's take a deep dive into the weird concept of trust, and explore why hoping for it is a one-way ticket to heartbreak.
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A Beginner's Guide to Self-Development
Some key lessons any beginner can use to start ahead of the game.
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You Are Not Special... But It's OK!
A deep look at why we're so obsessed with being someone who matters.
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How to Know if Your Connections Are Healthy
Which of your friends, dates or family should you invest more in... and who needs to be left behind?
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How a positive attitude literally saved my life... with Steve Lawton
Steve Lawton explains how almost dying in a massive skiing accident was the best thing that ever happened to him.
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Wishing for A Better Life is a Bad Idea [BROJO Podcast #69]
Struggling against reality is the only cause of suffering.
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Self-Discipline: How to Deal with Lost Motivation
Sudden loss of motivation? Apathetic about something you were once passionate about? Here's why...
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Why being "easy going" is a mistake!
Do you pride yourself on being easy-going? Maybe you shouldn't...
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What Game of Thrones teaches us about morality
How you define the difference between Right and Wrong?
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New York's #1 Dating Coach: The True Story - behind the scenes with Chris Luna
Chris Luna is the CEO of Craft of Charisma, and New York's #1 Dating Coach
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Financial Freedom in Just 24 Hours
Are you ready to learn this simple trick to becoming financially free?
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Political Correctness Vs Free Speech - An Opinionated Rant
A look at PC vs Free Speech
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The Art of Confident Living
How Dan lives day to day to build confidence
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