Have you ever felt like you don’t belong? Like your friends or colleagues are going to discover you’re a fraud, and you don’t actually deserve your job and accomplishments?
If so, you’re in good company. These feelings are known as impostor syndrome, or what psychologists often call impostor phenomenon. An estimated 70% of people experience these impostor feelings at some point in their lives, according to a review article published in the International Journal of Behavioral Science.
One of the key limiting beliefs that humans often face, impostor syndrome or "Not Good Enough" syndrome has a number of root causes.
aka "Not Good Enough" Syndrome, or Impostor Phenomenon.
Impostor Syndrome (IS) refers to an internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be.
Impostor Syndrome affects about 70% of people, regardless of their objective level of success in life. Those who experience it suffer from anxiety, fear of failure and dissatisfaction with life.
Competence types are internal rules that people who struggle with confidence generally follow. This categorizations can be helpful in identifying bad habits or patterns that may be holding you back from your full potential.
Common competence types include;
Although causes are not well studied, there are several factors thought to contribute to Impostor Syndrome. For example, you might have come from a family that highly valued achievement or had parents who flipped back and forth between offering praise and being critical.
A new challenge, such as entering a new role can trigger impostor syndrome. For example, starting college or university might leave you feeling as though you don't belong and are not capable.
5 Different Types of Imposter Syndrome (and 5 Ways to Battle Each One)
The Impostor Phenomenon ( Journal of Behavioral Science )
Yes, Impostor Syndrome Is Real. Here's How to Deal With It ( Time )
Imposter Syndrome and Social Anxiety Disorder ( VeryWell Mind )
Impostor syndrome ( Wikipedia )
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