Master Your Emotions

Coach-Led Online Group Masterclass
Self-Paced Online Course

Your ability to manage your emotions is what will determine the quality of your life. Unfortunately, most of us have been trained to misunderstand and become ashamed of our normal natural human feelings.

We need to create a healthy relationship with our own emotions if we wish to connect meaningfully with other people, know what we are passionate about, and understand how to live by our core values.

In this course you'll come to understand your inner sensations, and learn to make use of your emotions the way they were intended.

If you feel that any of the emotions listed below are "wrong", painful, or just plain difficult to manage, this is the course for you:

  • Anger
  • Disgust
  • Happiness
  • Fear
  • Confusion
  • Sadness

Imagine becoming someone who never has to hide or repress how they feel, yet never is harmed or causes harm because of emotion. If you are interested in becoming that person, enrol for this course today.


This course has been merged into a masterclass. Click the masterclass here for details & enrollment.

Pre-requisite courses

The following courses need to be completed prior to taking this course.

This course has no pre-requisites.

Course Syllabus