Advanced Discipline and Self Control

Coach-Led Online Group Masterclass
Self-Paced Online Course

Welcome to Advanced Discipline and Self-Control

If you've made it far enough in BROJO to qualify for this course, you are already a beast!

But we're all human, and the hardest part about making positive changes actually comes after the breakthrough... when we have to maintain our new habits long-term.

Discipline is about consistency, being able to keep doing the right thing and living by your values day after day, no matter what life throws at you. And as you already know, life throws a lot at you which makes maintaining your confidence and integrity challenging, to say the least.

Too many people believe that discipline is dependent on feeling "motivated," and that loss of motivation guarantees that you'll relapse into poor habits. Too many people's goals are dependent on feeling 'good.'

Remember that job you used to have that totally sucked yet you were able to show up and work almost every day? So if you could do that, why do you believe you need to feel good to do the right thing? If you could do it for something you hated, imagine what you could do for something you love!

By the time you're qualified to access this course, you'll already be working on goals and living with integrity. But you've probably also discovered the danger of "quit points" - those places along the journey where it's really hard to keep going, and you start to relapse, procrastinate, get complacent, or outright quit. Building discipline is about having the skills to navigate through these difficult stretches without going off track completely.

Discipline is what you rely on when motivation fails. Thankfully, well-trained discipline is much more reliable than fleeting feelings of motivation.

In this course, we're going to unravel the mystery of discipline. I'm going to show you both the mindset framing and behavioural modification you can engage in to ensure you are disciplined and managing your behaviour well, at least for 80% of the time (which is more than enough for a great life).

We will begin by defining discipline and identifying why it can be hard to maintain. Then we will look at changing your beliefs to make it easier to control yourself. And finally, we will go through a range of practical exercises, each designed to immediately increase your discipline in a tangible way, followed by a list of quick practical tips you can add to your toolbox.

So prepare to peek behind the curtain and learn how you can consistently know what you need to do and get it done, every single day, without needing to feel like doing it.

Let's dive in...


This course has been merged into a masterclass. Click the masterclass here for details & enrollment.

Pre-requisite courses

The following courses need to be completed prior to taking this course.

This course has no pre-requisites.