
Beast Mode

Coach-Led Online Group Masterclass
Self-Paced Online Course

Not for the faint of heart. 

This course is by invitation only. Why? Because you must already be able to understand and embody these concepts before you will be able to benefit from this course

  • Willing to lose anything in order to maintain your integrity
  • Willing to experience pain, failure and humiliation to push to the boundaries of your potential
  • Willing to lead, to stand out and become a role-model in a world of mediocre people

In this course we explore the most masculine values of confidence, and balance them with the most feminine. Through 3 core concepts - Death, Wisdom and Glory - you will learn a basic structure to living that demands your best effort, true bravery, and an acceptance of failure like you've never seen before.

Do not bother to apply for this course if you're still emotional dependent on outcomes, trying to impress and please other people, or unwilling to face your weaknesses.


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This course is offered on UDEMY. To see details & purchase it there, click the button here.

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